Vintage celebrities & famous people
1980s with young Sean Astin
Young Sean Astin at age 16: Acting was all in the family (1988)

Before he was Samwise Gamgee in the Lord of the Rings, young Sean Astin was a hardworking up-and-coming actor. But he wasn’t just any actor – he was the son of Patty Duke and John Astin. Here’s a look back at Sean’s early career, from when he was a teen!

The Funeral of President Lincoln, New York, April 25th, 1865, Passing Union Square
What Abraham Lincoln’s funeral was like (1865)

Here’s a look back at Abraham Lincoln’s funeral and the entire funeral procession, where millions of people came out to see the President’s hearse pass by on the way from Washington DC to Chicago.

Get Benjamin Franklin's advice for better sleep
Get Benjamin Franklin’s advice for better sleep

While Benjamin Franklin may be known for ‘Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,’ that wasn’t his only insight on the subject of sleep. In the summer of 1786, he wrote this, summing up his advice for better sleep.

Johnny Cash June Carter Cash - Wedding (1968)
When Johnny Cash & June Carter got married

Johnny Cash and Miss June Carter, country and Western music singers who teamed up on a Grammy-winning record, teamed up in marriage, too. Here’s a look back at their time together!