San Antonio Street in El Paso, Texas (early 1900s)
Scenes of old El Paso, Texas in the early 1900s

See how old El Paso, Texas — the city that sits right along the border of Mexico and the state of New Mexico – looked more than 100 years ago, when the population was about a tenth of what it is now.

Antique painting of a mother and baby (1916)
The old-fashioned benefits of breastfeeding

The old-fashioned benefits of breastfeeding are many, no matter what century you’re living in. Here’s a look back at some of what experts were saying about nursing babies back in the early 1900s.

Letters from lonely, unhappy wives (1914)
Letters from lonely, unhappy wives (1914)

There have been many lonely, unhappy wives in every era. Here, an advice columnist addresses letters from women who are helpless because they are without hope — a very common type of message in her mailbox.