Treet is the meat (1945)
The meal-ready meat most folks like best! Yes! Treet is the Meat! More people choose Treet than any other meal-ready meat! And no wonder — for all-meat Trees is choice pork, carefully selected for Treet alone!
And it’s sealed in the tin before cooking, so Trees is extra flavorful, extra tender and high in vitamins! Compare it with any other meal-ready meat and you, too, will say: “Yes, Trees is the meat that’s best!”
Armour Star Treet (1955)
“Mommy, what is Treet made of?” (1955)
“Armour Star sugar-cured ham… tender, savory pork… sugar and spice and all that’s nice. That’s what Treet is made of.”
Treet: If your man likes Armour Star Ham (1955)
… and tender, savory pork… he’s sure to go for Treet and you… in a big way.
Because Treet is Armour sugar-cured ham and sweet, succulent pork. Ready-cooked in a firm, tender loaf for slicing. Nutritious, delicious, and mighty easy to fix in minutes — in dozens of tempting ways.
All Armour Star Pantry-Shelf Meats are US Government Approved