Startling… delicious… Cheese souffle with a “top hat”!
How to make this Kraft classic
Cheese souffle recipe
You’ll amaze folks with your skill (needn’t tell ’em how easy it was!) and delight everybody with this grand-tasting main dish.
1. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter or Parkay margarine in the top of a double boiler. Add 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and a dash of cayenne. Add 1-1/2 cups of milk, blending it in well. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly.
2. When the sauce is thick and smooth add 1/2-lb. of the smooth-melting Kraft pasteurized process cheese of your choice, sliced; the famous Kraft American for medium-mellow flavor, or, for sharper flavor, “Old English” Brand.
3. Stir the sauce until the cheese is melted. Remove from the heat and add 6 beaten egg yolks, stirring constantly. Cool slightly.
4. Carefully fold this cheese sauce into 6 egg whites beaten still but not dry. Cut and fold the mixture thoroughly but lightly so that it is well blended.
5. Pour into an ungreased 2-quart casserole. Now to make your soumé puff up with a “top hat” as it bakes. do this: Run the tip of a teaspoon around in the mixture 1 inch from the edge of the casserole, making a slight “track” or depression.
6. Bake 1-1/4 hours in a slow steady oven — 300 F. Serve at once.
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