Kraft cheese souffle recipe (1948)

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Startling… delicious… Cheese souffle with a “top hat”!

How to make this Kraft classic

Kraft cheese souffle recipe (1948)

Cheese souffle recipe

You’ll amaze folks with your skill (needn’t tell ’em how easy it was!) and delight everybody with this grand-tasting main dish.

1. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter or Parkay margarine in the top of a double boiler. Add 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and a dash of cayenne. Add 1-1/2 cups of milk, blending it in well. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly.

2. When the sauce is thick and smooth add 1/2-lb. of the smooth-melting Kraft pasteurized process cheese of your choice, sliced; the famous Kraft American for medium-mellow flavor, or, for sharper flavor, “Old English” Brand.

3. Stir the sauce until the cheese is melted. Remove from the heat and add 6 beaten egg yolks, stirring constantly. Cool slightly.

4. Carefully fold this cheese sauce into 6 egg whites beaten still but not dry. Cut and fold the mixture thoroughly but lightly so that it is well blended.

5. Pour into an ungreased 2-quart casserole. Now to make your soumé puff up with a “top hat” as it bakes. do this: Run the tip of a teaspoon around in the mixture 1 inch from the edge of the casserole, making a slight “track” or depression.

6. Bake 1-1/4 hours in a slow steady oven — 300 F. Serve at once.

How to make this Kraft classic

You might also like this recipe! Corn Souffle, made with cream-style corn (1968)

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