Dear ’50s ladies: Use Lysol for the neglect that sometimes kills romance!

Ladies Beware of the one neglect that sometimes kills romance!

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These vintage Lysol ads from the 1950s didn’t pull any punches. The message was clear: “Ladies — if you don’t douche with Lysol, you’ll smell bad, and your husband won’t love you anymore.”

One mother counsels her daughter, a newlywed, “You know, a wife can often lose her husband’s love because of one neglect,” she says. “Most men can’t forgive carelessness — or ignorance — about feminine hygiene.”

The answer to a wife’s prayers? Lysol. Yes, the same stuff we use to wash floors and clean toilets. “Be sure of complete exquisiteness.”

A very plausible theory has been put forward that what the folks at Lehn & Fink, Lysol’s parent company, were actually being subtle in their marketing… because what they were really selling was less a deodorant, and more of a birth control method. (To further that suggestion, it’s been suggested that in the ads below, “serum” is very likely a code word for “semen.”)

Just to be clear, as a contraceptive, both douching and Lysol were unreliable methods. On the bright side, the fact that it didn’t work very well might be part of the reason you and I are here today.


“What’s happened to our marriage?”

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (3)

Vintage Lysol ad: “I’ll never go back to him… never!”

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (4)

MORE: How to be a perfect ’50s housewife: Cleaning your home

Vintage Lysol ad: His many neglects were due to her ONE NEGLECT*

He never remembers anniversaries… Why?

He never pays her compliments… Why?

He praises other women… Why?

He’s often “kept downtown”… Why?

This one neglect may be the real cause of many divorces. Use Lysol for feminine hygiene.

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (8)

A test for “model wives”

Beware of the one neglect* that sometimes kills romance!

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (1)

She was a “Perfect Wife” … except for ONE NEGLECT*

She was lovely… always took care to look smart and fresh.

… efficient. Her house was always neat, clean, well-run.

… economical. She knew how to make a budget behave.

… affectionate. She was warm-hearted and tender.

… cheerful. She never nagged, or moped, or wept.

BUT… she was careless (or ignorant) about Feminine Hygiene. *And her husband would gladly have traded most of her virtues to correct this one fault.

Lysol might have made her score 100%

Love is not logical, more’s the pity. You probably know at least one woman who seems to “have everything” — except the love of her husband.

Don’t be too sure he’s just ungrateful . . . Perhaps she’s guilty of the one neglect no husband can stand. A neglect, a fault, that may kill a man’s love, even when everything else is perfect.

If you’re in any doubt about feminine hygiene — ask your doctor about “Lysol”. Probably no other product is so widely known and used by women for this purpose.

Here are some of the reasons why “Lysol” is preferred:

1 — Non-Caustic . . . “Lysol” in the proper dilution, is gentle and efficient, contains no harmful free caustic alkali.

2 — Effectiveness . . . “Lysol” is a powerful germicide, active under practical conditions, effective in the presence of organic matter (such as dirt, mucus, serum, etc.).

3 — Spreading . . .“Lysol” solutions spread because of low surface tension, and thus virtually search out germs.

4 — Economy . . . “Lysol” is concentrated, costs only about one cent an application in the proper dilution for feminine hygiene.

5 — Odor . . . The cleanly odor of “Lysol” disappears after use.

6 — Stability . . . “Lysol” keeps its full strength no matter how long it is kept, how often it is uncorked.

Also, try Lysol Hygienic Soap for bath, hands and complexion. It’s cleansing, deodorant.

MORE: America’s obsession with clean, white & bright gives bleach a boost (1955)

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (2)

Lost: one husband’s heart

Found: A second honeymoon

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (5)

Vintage Lysol ad: An experienced woman could have told her!

Neglect of intimate cleanliness may rob the loveliest woman of her charm… Use Lysol for feminine hygiene

One lesson life teaches a woman is the need for complete intimate daintiness.

A man wants to think of the woman whose love and companionship he seeks as his dream of feminine loveliness fresh and exquisite at all times. But, without realizing it, there are times when even perfumes, baths and beauty aids may fail to make you attractive — if you neglect the practice of feminine hygiene.

Many experienced family doctors know that this neglect has wrecked the happiness of countless marriages.

Don’t risk offending in this most personal way. Be sure of complete exquisiteness. Follow the Lysol method of efficient feminine hygiene.

Ask your own doctor about Lysol disinfectant. He will tell you Lysol has been used in many hospitals and clinics for years as an effective antiseptic douche. Directions for use are on each bottle.

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (7)

Lysol for the ladies


Vinegar can’t do what “Lysol” can!

Vinegar is tart. Sour. Every housewife knows that.

How can it help you stay nice and sweet inside when you use it in your douche?

Use “Lysol” instead. “Lysol” is just right for douching.

“Lysol” stops odor. It kills the very germs that cause the odor — kills them on contact.

Yet “Lysol” brand disinfectant is mild. Can’t hurt you. Use it regularly — you’ll know you can’t offend!

Send for free booklet on how to douche as recommended by doctors. (Mailed in a plain envelope.) Write to “Lysol,” Bloomfield, NJ, Dept FC 2-58

Lysol brand disinfectant

lysol douche ad 1958

Vintage Lysol ad: I spelled marriage “M I R A G E”

You probably know at least one woman who seems to “have everything” — except the love of her husband.

Don’t be too sure he’s just ungrateful . . . Perhaps she’s guilty of the one neglect no husband can stand. A neglect, a fault, that may kill a man’s love, even when everything else is perfect.

Vintage Lysol douche ads from the 1950s (6)

MORE: 20 glamorous ’50s housewives who REALLY loved their toilet paper

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