With its lightweight, peppy 2.2L four-cylinder engine and front-wheel-drive layout, the Rampage was as fun to drive as it was utilitarian.
Unfortunately, it never really achieved the popularity Chrysler hoped for, and the last one rolled off the line in 1984, having sold just over 37,000 of the vehicles. – AJW
Dodge Rampage 2.2: 0-50 miles per hour in 6.4 seconds
Rampage sets a whole new standard of performance in sporting trucks.
ONLY USAC CERTIFIED SPORTS PICKUP: Drive Rampage and learn why it’s the only pickup ever to be sanctioned as a Sports Pickup by the United States Auto Club. Give its 2.2 liter a kick, you’ll think you’re driving a sportscar. Until you look back at its double-walled, all-steel cargo box.
Rampage 2.2 begs to be driven to the limit. Its standard five-speed, synchronized transaxle yields an efficient top gear ratio of 2.57:1. And its aerodynamic lines let Rampage cut through air with minimal resistance.
If you want the hauling muscle of a truck and the street-tough finesse of a sportscar see your Dodge Ram dealer about buying or leasing a Rampage 2.2, America’s top-performing standard-equipped pickup!
Dodge Rampage’s payload philosophy: Pickups also haul people
We are Dodge. And we know how to make a truck comfortable.
At Dodge, there really is such a thing as seat-of-the-pants engineering. Rampage. Everything a truck’s supposed to be, plus fun to drive.
Come test ride the only American-built front-wheel-drive pickup. Dodge Rampage. And its even more sporty number, the 2.2. With 1,075 lbs of payload. But in addition to hauling a proper load, this Rampage also flat out hauls. 0-50 in 6.39 seconds, unloaded. Excellent fuel economy. Fantastic acceleration and handling. And with dual bucket seats, a real pleasure to sit in.
Plus the truck industry’s only standard 5/50 protection plan. Five years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first. Covering engine, powertrain and outer body rust-through.
Save hundreds of dollars with prospector option discounts. At Dodge, saving money is standard, too. Actual savings depend on model and package. And are based on the list prices of package items if purchased separately. So see your Dodge Truck dealer for details.
Classic Dodge Rampage pickup trucks
Rampage: We’re building our trucks like we never did before.
Only pickup with 5yr/50,000mi power train & rust protection.