How to make old-fashioned paper Christmas ornaments that are easy & inexpensive (1960)

How to make paper Christmas ornaments, the old-fashioned way (1960)

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These pretty and old-fashioned paper Christmas ornaments are a wonderful way to add a bit of handmade charm to the holiday season, and they’re so simple to make that kids and adults can enjoy crafting them together.

Best of all, these ornaments are budget-friendly, requiring only basic materials like colored paper or lightweight cardboard — things you probably already have tucked away at home. Whether you’re folding delicate paper snowflakes, cutting out cheerful Santas or shaping graceful paper angels, these creations bring both creativity and nostalgia to your Christmas decor.

Old-fashioned paper Christmas ornaments: So pretty, such fun to do! (1960)

From American Home magazine – December 1960

One of the nicest Christmas customs we know is having both young and old make ornaments for the tree!

These are paper — so simple and imaginative, you’ll want to pack them away for many Christmases to come. They’re all here: angels, snowflakes, birds and Santas! For how-tos, see patterns below

Paper Christmas ornament - Vintage craft how-to (2)

Paper Christmas ornament - Vintage craft how-to (1)

The cut-out patterns and instructions for paper Christmas ornaments

Paperwork how-tos for Birds, Angels, Hanging rings, Christmas ball

Paper ornaments can be made of light-weight Bristol board (available at art stores), lightweight cardboard, or colored paper.

Do not cut pieces from magazine. Trace on thin paper and then transfer pattern to cardboard or paper.

Width of slots depends on thickness of paper. Heavy lines indicate where double thickness of paper will be inserted.

In making circular pieces, put curl in paper before interlocking. Be sure ends of paper are on inside of circle.

To make Santas: For one, use a plain white paper cup. Simply cut slots for whiskers and paint or crayon the face.

The other is cut from cardboard (see sketch), rolled and fastened with cellophane tape. Trim to your fancy.

To make this angel paper Christmas ornament

Make two pieces of this shape. On one, cut slots as shown by red lines. On other, cut slots shown by black lines. Pierce hole in both pieces. Join the two.

Hanging rings

Cut four strips, 6/2″, 8″, OA” , 11″. Make slots 4″ from ends of each piece. Pierce holes.

Curl paper before making each loop. Interlock each piece with ends inside the circle. Knot thread at end and pass through holes.

Christmas ball

Make two pieces of A. On one, cut red slot and hole for thread. On other, cut red and black slots.

Join the two pieces. Make two pieces of B, cut slots. Interlock to complete ball.

Vintage 1960 paper Christmas ornament craft diagrams (4)

Bird, heart and angel ornaments cutouts

Trace these patterns to make these pretty paper ornaments (shown above)

Birds (above and below). Trace pattern, transfer to cardboard. Cut slots as shown, pierce holes for thread. Join wing and body.

MORE IDEAS: Cute vintage Christmas decorations made with everyday items (1966)

Vintage 1960 paper Christmas ornament craft diagrams (1)

Christmas star craft instructions

Make two pieces of A. On one, cut red slot and hole for thread. On other, cut red and black slots. Join the two pieces. Make two pieces of B; cut slots. Interlock to complete star.

Vintage 1960 paper Christmas ornament craft diagrams (3)

ALSO TRY: How to make adorable retro ornaments shaped like birds & butterflies: A vintage craft project

Snowflake vintage diagrams and craft how-to

Circle snowflake

Make 1 piece of A, 2 of B, 1 of C, and 6 of D. Cut slots in all. Pierce thread tz hole in one piece of D. Insert two pieces of B into center slot of A (1st sketch). Space points equally.

Curl C and insert (2nd sketch). Curl and insert D pieces on each of six points (3rd sketch).


Make 1 piece of A, 2 of B, 3 of C, 3 of D, 6 of E. Pierce hole in one of C pieces.

Insert two pieces of B into A (1st sketch). Insert C pieces (2nd sketch). Insert D pieces with E pieces on each point.

For variety, cut out pieces in two different colors.

Vintage 1960 paper Christmas ornament craft diagrams (2)

MORE: 100 vintage Christmas scenes so sweet and old-fashioned, you’ll wish you had a time machine

This jolly cut-out paper Santa really jumps!

He jumps and he jiggles — a sprightly old elf all ready to laugh in spite of himself. He’s a special present to you and your children — from us.

Vintage paper Christmas crafts

All you have to do is cut out the pieces and mount them on cardboard or Bristol board available at any art store. The large holes are for brass fasteners, the small ones for string. Assemble as shown [below].

Put four brass fasteners through front. Turn Santa over and place face down on table. Slip on arm, Raggedy Ann, and legs. Slip string through holes and knot.

Put back piece on and close fasteners. When string is pulled, pieces should move freely. Fasten on boots. Thread a string through hat for holding or hanging up.

This jolly cut-out paper Santa really jumps

More vintage Christmas crafts & creative decor!

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