Washington state hotspots & travel tips from the ’60s

Washington state tourism tips from the 60s

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This year, go abroad… in the state of Washington

But where do you start? The World of Washington brims with the vibrant excitement of half a dozen foreign countries. On a summer day, you can ride across snow-covered alpine trails on mountains that rival the Swiss Alps for scenic grandeur.

Prowl through a mysterious Rain Forest reminiscent of a Malaysia of a million years ago. Beachcomb along the more than three thousand miles of rugged-to-serene shoreline.

Fish the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, or cast that lure into any of our thousands of freshwater lakes and streams. You can relax on a leisurely ferry cruise through the San Juans.

MORE: American volcano: When Mount St Helens blews sky-high (1980)

Delight in the discovery of quaint Indian fishing villages. Enjoy the sophisticated nightlife of a bustling metropolis. This is just a sample of the fun you’ll find in the world of Washington.

Where do you start? By filling out the coupon for a free pre-trip adventure planning packet. And the only passport needed is your vacation smile.

Washington state tourism from the 60s

For the mood you’re in: Visit Washington state

… Exciting state of vacation contrasts

Whether you prefer battling a salmon while it skips across the water on the end of your line … picnicking in a mountain meadow. … dining atop the Space Needle . . . relaxing around a lake shore … on a Pacific Ocean beach or at poolside of a big, bright, friendly resort — whatever your mood, whatever your pleasure, you’ll satisfy it in the State of Washington, land of exciting vacation contrasts.

From dry, warm desert sands, mist-enshrouded rain forests, snow-mantled mountain peaks, miles of ocean beaches — two national parks, a vast network of state parks and hundreds of private facilities await you. You set your own pace, pleasure and price in Washington.

Free Discovery Guide to Washington State: To help plan your Washington vacation, we’ve outlined 8 major tourist destination areas in a 40-page, four color booklet. It awaits your request.

For the mood you're in: Visit Washington state (1965)


Washington State travel & tourism: Seattle World’s Fair, 1962

It’s April 21, 1962, in Seattle … World’s Fair time! The curtain’s going up on the 21st Century … and on the most exciting preview ever seen.

This is Seattle’s spectacular Space-Age World’s Fair, where the epic of man’s journey into the next 100 years will unfold for you.

What’s ahead? How will man live? What will he see? Look at cities in the year 2000, see homes whose walls are jets of air, where cordless appliances work for you, cars ride without wheels, TV wrist telephones speed everyday communications.

MORE: The retro-modern space-age house: The Home of the Future at Disneyland & other lifestyle predictions (’50s & ’60s)

Time and distance will disappear in the gigantic, pillar-less Coliseum Century 21, jutting eleven stories up from the heart of the fair. You’ll soar past galaxies — no space suit, no gravity, in the $9 million complex of the United States Science Pavilion. You will discover the secrets of the future in these six gleaming buildings rising above lighted fountains and courtyard pools.

But it’s not all the story of man’s great tomorrows. Much of this $80 million show will be a glittering world of today. Dine atop the towering 60-story Space Needle which revolves to view Mt. Rainier, the Olympic and Cascade Ranges.

Stroll Boulevards of the World filled with the sights and sounds of foreign lands. Thrill to the Monorail as it whisks you the mile from downtown Seattle in 95 seconds.

Nov 24, 1961 Seattle tourism - Space Needle World's Fair 1962

ALSO SEE: See San Diego’s World’s Fair in color: Panama-California International Exposition (1915-1917)

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