New idea! Whipped fruit juice toppings
Now whip Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk with your favorite fruit juice! Costs only 2-1/2 c a serving!
So easy! So delicious! So many ways use! Simply choose your favorite fruit juice like grape, pineapple, orange, or tangerine. Then whip it up into topping that’s luscious and colorful on fruit, salads, ice cream, cake, gelatin desserts.
The secret is Carnation Instant “Magic Crystals.” Whipped with the juice, they rise to a new kind of topping that’s brimming with real fruit flavor. Far lower in calories — 2/3 less than whipped cream.
New! Recipe for whipped fruit juice topping
Use any chilled fruit juice. (Makes about 2-1/2 cups)
1. Measure 1/2 cup of the chilled fruit juice into bowl. Add 1/2 cup Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk “Magic Crystals.”
2. Whip until soft peaks form (3 to 4 minutes). Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
3. Continue whipping, while gradually adding 1/4 cup sugar, until stiff peaks form (3 to 4 minutes longer).
Directions for luscious toppings are on the package, too! Try them soon!