See 50+ retro bath towels from the 1950s

Retro bath towels from the 1950s

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More than just a way to dry off, these retro towels from the 1950s gave vintage bathrooms color and style! In particular, these old-fashioned towel styles are so very fifties — the colors, the patterns, the sculpting… and even the ad copy used to sell them.

Or, as Cannon’s team wrote, “Choose from a variety of designs! Rich solids, smart stripes, plaids, charming florals, modern sculptured effects. Each will lift any bathroom from doldrums to delight!”

Do luxury towels cost too much? (1953)

Vintage Cannon luxury towels (1953)

Yellow & white flowered towels, brown and orange bath towels

Yellow flowered towels, brown and orange bath towels


Hang a rainbow in your bathroom! (1956)

Long looped, thickly looped, every Cannon towel is as blissful to feel as it is to see. Better grab your hat and scat… to your favorite store today. Ask for Cannon’s January specials. They’re wonderful!

Hang a rainbow in your bathroom! (1956)

Bet you’re surprised at how little these Cannon beauties cost! (1952)

Bet you're surprised at how little these Cannon beauties cost! (1952)

Brighten your bathroom with stylish towels from the 1950s

Brighten your bathroom with cannon towels - 1952


Vintage Cannon Gold Label towel sets

Pictured here are 5 luxury towels. Each bears Cannon’s famous Gold Label. They cost between $2 and $3.50 each. Big, beautiful, these are towels every woman wants — but the kind some women think they can’t afford.

“Why, you may ask, “should I pay $2 and up for the Cannon towels, when I on get excellent values in Cannon towels priced at 59 cents…”

To answer that question, let’s look at the facts. Cannon luxury towels have a heavenly texture. They’re crammed full of wonderfully long, thick, sable-soft loops; they’re all finished with “Beauti-Fluff” — Cannon’s exclusive patented finish — that makes them fluffier, softer and thirstier — in fact, these beauties absorb five times their weight in water!

Midcentury bathrooms: See the most popular color schemes of the '50s

And these finest of all Cannon towels come in the loveliest colors imaginable. There are rich, deep tones that lead fashion trends, sparkling colors… and of course, there’s a variety of fresh, smart designs that inspire the decorator in every woman.

Finally, these towels wor longer through years of hard and constant use. Why? Because they have more tensile strength, a firmer, closer, stronger weave.

LIFE Feb 23, 1953 towels

Dundee towels with ribbon-style stitching (1950)

Dundee towels with ribbon design from 1950

Green sculpted towels and green and white striped bath towels (1953)

Green sculpted towels and green and white striped bath towels (1953)

Vintage Dundee Beach Sheet extravaganza from 1958

SUCH EXCITEMENT! Brilliant theatrical poster designs hand-screened on fluffy terry, blazing stripes flashed with glittering strands of Metlon metallic yarns!

Gay Nineties Girl, Billboard, Clipper Ship, each about 2.98. Multi-Stripes, about 1.00. Shaded Stripes in sea-shades with silver, or sun-shades with gold, about 2.98. Other Beach Sheets from 1.98. At good stores everywhere.

Vintage Dundee towels from 1958

Towels from the 1950s: Aglow in pink

Pink towels and sculpted vintage designs - 1950s

MORE: Are warm air hand dryers really more sanitary than paper towels?

Blue towels from the 1950s and other magic colors to mix & match (1953)

Cannon towels come in 22 magic colors that you can blend, mix or match to suit your mood. And, deep tones or pretty pastels, these colors stay fresh as paint!

Blue towels and other magic colors to mix match

Old-fashioned bathroom towels from the Sears catalog (1951)

Vintage towels from the 1950s - Sears catalog (1)

Vintage towels from the 1950s - Sears catalog (2)

Tour the ultimate mid-century modern house: The Scholz Mark 58 Home of the Year

Hang these towels on your window? (1956)

Sew curtains from your bath towels…

Hang towels on your window - 1956

These towels are precious and “priceless” (1953)

… They wear the Cannon Gold label

These towels are precious and priceless (1953)

Cannon Beauti-Fluff towels from the 1950s

Always so much for your money

  • $1 buys long-wearing beauty in a lively new check that stays bright
  • $1.59 buys luxury quality… Solid color in 24×46 bath size
  • 70c buys hard service — and good looks, too. This fresh new Cannon plaid is made to take every bit of the wear your family can give it. 22×44 bath size

Cannon Beauti-Fluff Towels stay soft, lovely, absorbent for years

Cannon Beauti-Fluff Towels from 1959

Try Pink Whisper with glowing New Rose

… for a really flattering color scheme! These Carefree pinks, like all Cannon colors, stay fresh and lovely with little or no care. What an easy way to give your bathroom new life!

Pink towels from 1955

New! And naturally the most for your money

Cannon Beauti-Fluff Towels

  • The look of tweed, about 79c. So attractive! And these towels are made to take wear. In stripes or solids that stay bright.
  • New! A check that glitters, about $1.29. A sparkling beauty that wears wonderfully, with Beauti-Fluff to keep it soft, thirsty. 22×44 bath size
  • New! A shower of flowers, about $1.98. It’s Rose Wreath, one of the loveliest prints every on gentle fluff terry. And all the beauty lasts. 24×46 bath size.

Vintage Cannon Beauti-Fluff Towels from the 1950s

20 vintage pink bathrooms: See some wild bubblegum-era midcentury home decor of the 1950s & 1960s

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