Fifties weight loss miracle diets that sold the hope of a perfectly slim body

Fifties weight loss and miracle diets

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Ads for a diet plans seems totally commonplace today, but in the early 1950s — especially so soon after the war, which meant food was rationed and otherwise scarce — commercial diet aids were still pretty rare.

Fat girls’ diet, from 1959

Tested practical ways to take off fat, rushed by return mail in a plain wrapper at special prices.

Fat girls' diet - 1959

Ann Sheridan says, “I’m enthusiastic” about Ayds diet candy (1950)

Slim the way the stars slim!

Ann Sheridan for Ayds diet

Sonja Henie says “I do” to Ayds (1951)

The loveliest women in the world take Ayds

Sonja Henie for Ayds weight loss plan

The 10-day miracle diet (1950)

Here’s a look at an early advertisement for a weight loss book targeted to women, which the publisher promised would be delivered in a plain wrapper.

The 10 day miracle diet 1950

M-m-m-m-m-m! What a delicious dinner! Soup – roast veal – string beans, asparagus – lettuce, tomato, and cucumber salad – even bread and butter and a potato! And custard and coffee!

What a funny way to reduce!

Who ever heard of a woman losing weight and enjoying 3 delicious meals a day at the same time? No exercise. No pills or drugs. No massage…

1950s beauty - Slim women (2)

How in the world can she do it?

Believe it or not, the woman in the picture above is REDUCING! This may surprise people who still have the idea that you can’t lose weight unless you go on a diet that would not satisfy a bird.

This woman is simply following the pleasant, sensible, scientific way to reduce. Soon her bulges will smooth out and disappear as if by magic. She will enjoy the admiring glances that a slim figure always attracts. And this slenderizing miracle can be accomplished for the overweight quickly and safely – whether you are a man or woman, young or old. And best of all – without denying yourself 3 delicious sustaining meals every day, including a tasty breakfast.

Without the drudgery of exercise! (You can be as lazy as you please.)

Without drugs, pills, or compounds! (They can definitely hurt your health and appearance.)

Without steam baths or massage! (So often they don’t work – and they are usually terribly expensive.)

How then? By simply knowing certain up-to-date scientific facts about food-selection!

It’s simple – once you know this fact!

Some foods are high in fat calories. Others are high in energy-stimulating calories. Science has discovered that if you eat the first kind of foods, your body burns LESS ENERGY and stores MORE FAT. But if you eat the second kind you burn MORE ENERGY and store LESS FAT.

This simple scientific fact explains why most ordinary “dieting” fails… and why “The New Way to Eat and Get Slim” (as explained by Donald G Cooley in his book) produces such amazing results.

1950s beauty - Slim women (1)

How much do you WANT to lose?

Since no two persons are exactly alike, it is impossible to predict the exact number of pounds you will lose on the “10-Day Miracle Diet” given in this book. But the average overweight person may expect to lose 5 pounds in 10 days – and some may lose as much as 10 pounds in 10 days – even though the diet provides as much daily bulk as the average American diet!

Then the book gives you a diet for losing 10 pounds a month; and a “stay-slim” diet, so when you reach alluring slenderness, you can stay there. You don’t have to stick to each day’s menu either. Substitution Table gives you dozens of other meats and foods you may eat instead. These diets give you a slimmer figure, and also (for scientific reasons) greater health and beauty!

More than 300,000 people chose this easy way to reduce

Is it any wonder that 300,000 people the country over have bought a copy of this wonder-working book? And that so many have written about exciting results is has accomplished? (Just a few of these letters are shown on this page. And every letter is genuine – available in our files for inspection.)

Examine it 5 days free

No money need be sent now. “The New Way to Eat and Get Slim” (in a plain wrapper) will be sent with the understanding that you keep it for five days, without cost or obligation.

Leading medical authorities have approved this book. We believe that your doctor will, too. Show it to him. Unless you are convinced that this book offers you the quick, safe, pleasant “lazy-way” to reduce, return it without obligation. Otherwise it is your to keep for only $2.00 plus few cents postage. Mail Free Examination Coupon at once. Wilfred Funk, Inc… Thousands are raving about this miracle way to slimness!

Ayds 1958 - Why Hollywood stopped dieting - weight loss

Miracle way to slimness!

From a registered nurse: “I’m a registered nurse. Yours is the most sensible reducing plan I’ve ever seen.” -Miss PJK, Detroit, Mich.

Truly a miracle: “Most sensible way to lose weight and enjoy life at the same time. Lost 10 pounds in 10 days. The 10-Day Miracle Diet is a miracle.” -Mrs LVM, Chicago.

Doctors endorsed book: “Last August I weight 242. Today, May 5th I weigh 142. My doctors endorsed your book. Now feel fine, look years younger.” -Mrs FB, Sell City, Ind.

Thrilled her husband: “Sent for book without my husband’s knowledge. He began to notice I was losing weight. So I let him in on the secret. Was he thrilled!” -Mrs EJ, Taft, Cal.

Lost 23 pounds: “I weighed 192 pounds. Now weigh 169.” -Mrs MDB, Jacksonville, Fla.

Vintage ad for tomato juice for weight loss 1958

“Weighed 196 – Now I wear a size 12 dress”

South Bend, Indiana – From this city comes a report from a 36-year-old housewife who weighed 196 pounds; yet, within less than 4 months, she became so slim that her own brother failed to recognize her! Here is how she herself describes it:

“I weighed 196 pounds,” she says, “and you can imagine what a sight I was. Friends were always telling me I’d be foolish to even attempt to lose weight.

“But I decided to give it a try. And oh, what wonderful results after only three and a half months. I now weigh 119 pounds and wear a size 12 dress. And what wonderful compliments I get on my looks and figure!

“You look like a million bucks,” he said.

Vintage slender actress singer Doris Day

“My brother came home from overseas, and was walking right behind me. ‘Hubba hubba! Who is she?’ he exclaimed. Well, when I turned around I wish you could have seen the look of surprise. ‘Sis! Gosh, gosh, is it really you? You look like a million bucks!’ He just couldn’t get over how much like a school-girl I looked.

“Oh, I could go on and on. The nicest things of all is that my husband fell in love with me all over again. He’s so proud he is always taking me places so he can show me off to his friends.”

From Mrs MC, South Bend, Indiana (The above letter referring to the diet given in this book is – like all other reports reprinted in this page – in our files, available for inspection.)

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