Halloween cupcakes – a cool spider treat plus a monster, witch, pumpkin and more – will charm a crowd (1990s)

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Halloween cupcakes are a fun and easy way to get into the spooky spirit without too much fuss. Whether you’re making spider-themed treats or getting creative with the mummies, witches or other on-theme variations featured below, there’s no shortage of ways to decorate these bite-sized sweets.

Cupcakes are perfect for Halloween parties — they’re simple to make, and kids love helping with the decorating. With just a few toppings like chocolate sprinkles, candies and licorice, you can whip up some deliciously creepy cupcakes in no time.

Cool spider treats – Halloween cupcakes: It’s scary how fast they disappear (1998)

These new cool spider treats are a snap:

Halloween cupcakes cool spider treats

Halloween cupcakes: Cool spider treats

These Cool Spider Treats from 1998 are a snap!


  • Cupcakes
  • 1 tub (8 ounces) Cool Whip, thawed
  • Chocolate sprinkles
  • Black or chocolate licorice
  • Candies


    Frost upside-down cupcakes with Cool Whip. (If necessary, cut off the tops so the cupcakes are flat when you put them upside down.)

    Sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles. Insert licorice pieces into tops of the cupcakes to create spider legs. Top with candies (like Skittles or m&ms) for the creepy eyes.

Cool and creepy Halloween cupcakes - Spiders

Halloween cupcakes a spook-tacular treat (1999)

Forget witches, ghosts and goblins. The real Halloween scare is having to provide treats for an at-school or at-home Halloween party.

The challenges might seem endless due to varying tastes, the necessity of carrying through an appropriate theme, and not wanting to send yet another plate of rice cereal treats to school with your children. But there really is an easy answer.

“Cupcakes are easy to make, easy to serve and easy to decorate,” said Nancy Siler, consumer affairs manager of Wilton Enterprises, and an expert on baking and cake decorating.

“Most children love cupcakes, and that’s especially true if they are decorated with a fun Halloween theme. Halloween is one of the most popular holidays for kids. and they love to eat food with scary decorations.”

Siler has other hints for parents who are planning to help with or contribute to all at-school Halloween party:

  • Know the school’s restrictions. Some schools don’t allow certain types of decorations or themes (like witches), preferring to feature non-scary items like pumpkins and scarecrows. or some don’t allow treats at all. Checking restrictions first is best.
  • Carry the theme throughout the party. For example. a group of parents might dress in costume to match the decorations on the cupcakes. A parent in a witch costume hands out witch cupcakes, or a parent in a mummy costume hands out the mummy cupcakes.
  • The presentation is just as important as the taste. Halloween is a visual holiday. Use your creativity to produce a visual delight that will make children’s eyes light up.

Decorating ideas for delicious Halloween cupcakes

Decorating ideas for delicious Halloween cupcakes using icing and creative cake decorating tips

These Halloween cupcakes are decorated in a variety of creative ways — including a pumpkin, a witch, a mummy, a spider, a jack-o-lantern and a wolfman.

How to decorate spider Halloween cupcakes

Background: Tint buttercream icing with Wilton Violet Icing Color and ice cupcake.

Body: Place Wilton Tip # 2A in a Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag. Fill decorating bag with buttercream that has been tinted with Wilton Black Icing Color. May use chocolate icing and add black icing color.

Using tip #2A make the top and bottom portion of the spider.

Arms and legs: Using thin black licorice. place three arms and legs on each Side of the body.

Eyes: Use white mini jawbreakers for eyes. Place Wilton Tip #2 in the decorating bag filled with black buttercream and pipe two dots on eyes.

Nose: Place orange jawbreaker at the bottom of both eyes for the nose.

Pumpkin Halloween cupcakes decorating how-to

Pumpkin: Ice cupcake orange and place Wilton Tip #12 in a Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag, Fill decorating bag with orange buttercream.

From top to bottom of cupcake pipe one line down each end. On side of the line, pipe one more line on a slight diagonal to form the pumpkin rind. then pipe middle line. You will have a total of 5 lines on the cupcake.

Face: Using brown M&M’s. place the eyes. nose and mouth in the appropriate places on the Halloween cupcakes.

Stem: Place a green gumdrop at the top of the cupcake for the pumpkin stem.

Monster Halloween cupcakes decorating instructions

Face: Tint buttercream icing With Wilton Leaf Green icing Color and ice cupcake.

Ears: Place Wilton Tip #6 in Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag and fill With remaining green buttercream. On either side of cupcake. about 3/4 of the way to the top. pipe the ears.

Mouth: Fill decorating bag with buttercream icing that has been tinted with Wilton Black Icing Color and color in open part of mouth. Smooth with spatula.

Using Wilton Tip #6 and the remainder of the green buttercream, pipe a circle that forms an open mouth.

Teeth: Place white Tic-Tacs all around the open mouth to form teeth.

Nose: Place a green M&M above mouth for nose.

Eyes: Use two white gumballs for eyes. Attach Wilton Tip #2 to decorating bag filled with black buttercream icing. Pipe black dots in the middle of gumballs and pipe eyebrows using the same tip.

Hair: Tint buttercream icing with Wilton Orange Icing Color. Use Wilton Tip #16 in a Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag. Fill bag with orange buttercream. Pipe hair at the top of cupcake.

How to decorate wolfman Halloween cupcakes

Fur: Tint buttercream icing using Wilton Brown Icing Color or use chocolate buttercream icing. Attach Wilton tip #17 to Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag. bag with brown buttercream. Pipe fur on top of cupcake in pullout star motion with pull out star tip #17.

Eyes: Use two yellow gumballs for eyes. Attach Wilton Tip #12 to Wilton disposable decorating bag filled with black buttercream icing. Pipe black dots in the middle of gumballs and pipe eyebrows using Tip #17.

Nose: Use brown M&M’s.

Teeth: Use candy corn for teeth.

Halloween cupcakes: How to make witch treat

Face: Tint buttercream icing with Wilton Leaf Green Icing Color and ice cupcake.

Nose: Attach Wilton Tip #12 to Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag. Fill bag with green buttercream. Pipe nose in center of cupcake.

Eyes and mouth: Use white gumballs for eyeballs. Attach Wilton Tip #2 to decorating bag tilled with black buttercream. Pipe black dot in the middle of eyes. Pipe mouth. Use a tic-tac for tooth.

Hair: Tint buttercream with Wilton Orange Icing Color. Attach Wilton Tip #16 on a decorating bag and fill with orange buttercream. Pipe hair on top of cupcake. Put black gumdrop that has been molded to a point on top of hair as a hat.

Halloween cupcakes: Make a mummy

Ice cupcake with chocolate buttercream. Attach Wilton tip #47 to a Wil- ton Disposable Decorating Bag and fill with white buttercream. Pipe bandages on cupcake.

Eyes: Use green M&Ms for eyes. Attach Wilton Tip #2 to Wilton Disposable Decorating Bag filled with black buttercream. Pipe black dots in the middle of M&Ms.

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