Mom with a baby on a little ride-on toy (1942)
Boxer Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) as a baby – born in 1942
Baby in a playpen with toys back in the 1940s
Newborn infant being fingerprinted in the hospital (1943)
A man looking into the future (insurance ad from 1943)
Row upon row of bassinets — and a nurse holding up a baby. The baby!
But Dad sees more than a newborn son. He sees a long future stretching ahead… a future of companionship and fun… of kite flying… of camping trips… of electric trains… a thousand confidences to be shared.
Yes, being a father is a job — with a future. And that future is the most important thing in the world. In years to come, that little tot in the nurse’s arms will look toward you, depend on you — don’t let him down, Dad.
Today, just as it has been since the year 1875, The Prudential’s business is with the future — your family’s future, and that of some 8,000,000 other American families. Our job is to help make those tomorrows safe and secure — and to make today happier by giving you the peace of mind that wisely bought life insurance can bring.
Mom and baby doing nicely now… thanks to a fungus! (1944)
Baby Diana Ross – Born in 1944 (restored photo)
Mom wearing a toilet paper mask to protect baby from a cold (1945)
New mom at home in bed with baby (1945)
Nestled in bed with her newborn — and the little one’s sailor dad is home from the war! (Vintage ad for North Star Blankets)
Taking baby’s footprint for an old-fashioned birth certificate (1944)
1940s mom and her newborn baby boy (1948)
Newborn baby and a 1940s labor & delivery nurse (1948)
Five minutes old… and all yours! Actual delivery room scene. A nurse gently lowers the newborn infant into his sterile receiving blanket.
“May I make the introductions, mother?” (1949)
This was part of a series of vintage Johnson & Johnson baby lotion ads featuring newborn babies
1940s nurse wearing a mask with a newborn baby (1949)
1940s newborn getting an ID bracelet (1948)
1940s baby getting a bath in the kitchen sink
Cute baby boy getting a bath in the sink (1940s)
Little boy on his first Christmas in 1948
The pajama bottoms don’t quite fit!
Mother holding newborn baby in back seat of car (1946)