Bandana baby clothes: 3 easy outfits you can make with real retro style

Baby bandana clothes you can make - Retro outfits from 1977

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How to make these cute bandana baby clothes (1977)

All our bandana babies are wearing tops made from cotton scarves you can buy anywhere. They’re trimmed with bias binding. For sizes 6 months to a year.

From Beautiful Baby Clothes, by Nan Mensinga-Biasiny (Woman’s Day, June 1977)


You will need brown wrapping paper (pieced if necessary to make a sheet large enough for a pattern), a felt-tipped marker, pencil and ruler. (Note: If the pattern you are enlarging has a grid around it, first connect lines across pattern with a colored pencil to form a grid over the picture.)

Mark paper with grid as follows: First cut paper into a true square or rectangle. Then mark dots around edges, 1″ or 2″ apart or whatever is indicated on pattern, making same number of spaces as there are squares around the edges of pattern diagram. Form a grid by joining the dots across opposite sides of paper.

Check to make sure you have the same number of squares as shown in the diagram. With a marker, draw in each square the same pattern lines you see in the corresponding square on the diagram.

Dear Mommy, I want to be a bandanna baby. Please make me one of these tops. They are cute. They take just minutes to make.


Enlarge pattern diagram (see How To Enlarge Patterns, above). Make full patterns, as shown on layout diagrams, by folding paper in half for Bandana Baby No. 1 and No. 2 tops, and in quarters for Bandanna Baby No. 3 top.

Place enlarged patterns on paper with indicated fold lines on folded edges of paper and cut out. Unfold paper for full patterns and, following cutting diagrams, pin to scarf.

Cut out scarf following cutting lines (1/4″ seam allowance included). Broken lines on cutting diagrams indicate scarf border. Hems on scarf become hems on lower edges and sleeves.

Note: To make larger top, follow same basic pattern with 24″ scarf. Center paper pattern on scarf and cut out, extending cutting lines to edges of scarf, or slightly less, as desired.


Size: 6 months to 1 year

Bandana baby clothes How to make them, retro-style (2)


Two 20″-square scarves (bandanas)
1-3/4 yds. 1/4″-wide double-fold bias tape
sewing thread to match tape
2 snap fasteners

Cut out scarf following General Directions, above, and patterns and cutting diagrams [below]. With right sides facing, stitch shoulder seams of yoke.

Using large-size stitch, machine-stitch 1/4″ from edge along upper edges of front and backs of skirt for gathering threads. With right sides together, pin yoke to front and backs, pulling up gathering threads to fit; stitch. Press seam allowances upward.

Bind neck and armhole edges by folding tape in half over edges and basting. Topstitch. Stitch side seams. Make 1/2″ finished hem along each edge of back. Cut 10″ piece of tape. Fold in half lengthwise and topstitch.

Tie into bow and tack on yoke front (see photograph). Sew snap fasteners on back yoke.

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (4)

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (1)


Size: 6 months to 1 year

Bandana baby clothes How to make them, retro-style (3)


20″-square cotton scarf
38″ piece 1″-wide bias tape
sewing thread to match tape

Cut out scarf following General Directions, above, and pattern and cutting diagrams.

Cut back into two pieces. With right sides together, stitch side seams. Make 1/4″ finished hem along center back edges and arm-hole edges. Using large-size stitch, machine-stitch 1/4″ from edge along upper edges of front and backs.

Pull up threads to gather front neck edge to measure about 7″ and each back neck edge to measure about 3-3/4″. Bind neck edges by folding tape in half over edges and basting, covering gathering stitches, allowing 1-3/4″ for shoulder straps (see sketch). Topstitch, including ends to form ties.

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (5)

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (2)

An Owl Whoo's Pretty Square sewing project (1974)


Size: 6 months to 1 year

Bandana baby clothes How to make them, retro-style (1)


20″ square cotton scarf
1-1/2 yds. 1/4″-wide double-fold bias tape
sewing thread to match tape

Cut out scarf following General Directions, above, and pattern and cutting diagrams.

With right sides together, stitch underarm and sleeve seams. Cut two 6″ pieces of tape. Fold in half lengthwise and topstitch to form ties. Pin one end of each tie on right side of top at X on cutting diagram, matching raw edges.

Bind raw edges of front opening by folding tape in half over edges and basting. Topstitch, catching ends of ties under tape. Cut 24″ piece of tape. Placing center of tape at center back neck edge, baste tape along raw edge of neck; baste folded edges of free ends to form another set of ties.

Topstitch entire length of tape. Make bow with each set of ties.

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (6)

How to make easy bandana baby outfits - Diagrams (3)

Macrame the vintage way: How to make 4 basic craft projects from the '70s

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