At private nonprofit 4-year institutions, average tuition and fees were $37,600, while at private for-profit 4-year institutions, average tuition and fees were $18,200.
College tuition in 1959: Not-so-crowded colleges
From Newsweek – May 11, 1959
Room and board at these colleges run from $605 to $1100, with most in the $700-$800 range
The rising cost of educating a college student
From US News and World Report (September 18, 1967)
Average expenditures of colleges per student for a full year
In public colleges
1956-57: $1,834
1966-67: $2,222
1976-77 (projected): $2,575
In private colleges
1956-57: $1,892
1966-67: $3,414
1976-77 (projected): $4,870
Source: US Office of Education
Soaring outlays in US for higher education
Total yearly expenditures by all colleges
Higher education has become one of the country’s biggest and fastest-growing industries, with total expenditures of nearly 17 billion dollars a year. In just 10 years, the college and university outlays have more then trebled.
Public colleges
10 years ago: $2.9 billion
Now (est.): $9.7 billion
Increase: $6.8 billion
Private colleges
10 years ago: $2.0 billion
Now (est.): $6.9 billion
Increase: $2.9 billion
10 years ago: $4.9 billion
Now (est.): $16.6 billion
Increase: $11.7 billion
Source: US Office of Education