Eat more corn, oats and rye products (1917)
Fish and poultry — fruits, vegetables and potatoes — baked, boiled and broiled foods
EAT LESS wheat, meat, sugar and fats… To save for the army and our allies
Your sugar ration is 2 lbs. per month (1917)
We must confine our consumption of Sugar to not more than 2 lbs. per person per month in order to provide a restricted ration to England, France and Italy. This store is pledged to conform to the sugar regulations of the US Food Administration.
Save food & serve the cause of freedom (1917)
1. Wheat – use more corn
2. Meat – use more fish and beans
3. Fats – use just enough
4. Sugar – use syrups.
Bread: “Save a loaf a week – help win the war” (1918)
Food – don’t waste it (1917)
1: Use less wheat and meat, 2: Buy local foods, 3: Serve just enough, 4: Use what is left.
MORE: Victory gardens: Their history, their importance, and how to grow your own
Save food and defeat frightfulness
“America — the hope of all who suffer — the dread of all who wrong.” – Whittier
Eat more fish
Save the products of the land. Eat more fish — they feed themselves
Using sugar
1. None on fruits; 2. none in desserts; 3. Less on cereals; 4. less in coffee and tea; 5. Less in preserving; 6. Less cake & candy; 7. Use other sweeteners.
Sugar means ships (1917)
The consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks must be reduced. For your beverages 400 million lbs. of sugar were imported in ships last year. Every ship is needed to carry soldiers and supplies now.
Corn – the food of the nation
Serve some way every meal – appetizing, nourishing, economical
Be patriotic: Sign your country’s pledge to save the food
NOW SEE THIS: Rationing during WW2: See war ration books, ration stamps, gas stamps, sugar coupons & more from the ’40s