In 1976, right in the middle of his highly-successful run as New York City Police Department Detective Lieutenant Theo Kojak in the CBS television series Kojak, actor Telly Savalas took a little time out to pose for a few ads for Gillette razor blades.
Here are five of the ads from that campaign, which, sadly, don’t include his character’s trademark lollipop. But still: Who loves ya, baby?
Telly Savalas for Gillette: A cut here… a cut there.
A cut here… a cut there. Not for me, baby.
You only have one face
You only have one face, baby. Treat it with some respect, huh.
20 cents of Twinjector Blades. Who loves ya?
No skin off my face.
So don’t try a Twinjector shave. It’s no skin off my face. (Telly Savalas as his Kojak persona.)
Telly Savalas for Gillette: Risk my neck?
Hey, you think I’d risk my neck with any other injector? The Gillette Twinjector Shave. Beautiful, baby.