Ads so retro, it’s hard not to laugh

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How do you rate as a 1973 woman?

It used to be a man’s world. But you’ve changed it. How much? Check a box for every yes.

In the past year:

  • Have you taken an active part in an election campaign, bond issue, school budget, zoning question?
  • Have you expressed your opinion in areas where you used to just smile and nod agreement?
  • If you manage a home and family, does it upset you when someone says you’re “just a housewife”?
  • Do you have — or want — a job in what was once considered a man’s domain?
  • Do you pay more attention to news, comments, editorials?

The more “yes” answers you have, the more involved, concerned and active you are. But now that you’re tough enough to dish it out, you should be tough enough to take it. Frankly, you sweat. That’s why you need an anti-perspirant that’s tough enough to take it… Hour after Hour.

It fights odor and all 3 kinds of wetness. From heat, tension and exercise. That’s powerful protection. Yet it has a new fragrance that tells you you’re still utterly feminine. Hour after hour. Protects against 3 kinds of wetness. So you dish it out. We’re tough enough to take it.

How do you rate as a 1973 woman

Nature’s pep pills: Raisins (1972)

Raisins as pep pills (1972)

Young N Free perfume and soap 1970

Young N Free perfume and soap 1970

Turn me on – Lightbulb T-shirts from 1979

Turn me on - Lightbulb T-shirts from 1979

Retro ad slogans with once-trendy sayings now way out of date

Freedom for the student body - 1969

The Freedom Spray - Massengill deodorant 1970

6 ways to turn her on

Clairol had electrical — get it? — beauty aids like curling irons and makeup mirrors in 1974, and this was one of their very ’70s pitches.

Clairol vintage sexist ad - six ways to turn her on

Up with good looks – Chevy from 1967

Up with good looks - Chevy from 1967

Buick cars can light your fire (1969)

Buick cars can light your fire (1969)

How to turn yourself on. – Dale Carnegie courses (1967)

How to turn yourself on - Dale Carnegie courses 1967

Meet the Big Swinger. (1968)

Meet the Big Swinger camera (1968)

Over thirty that you can trust. Shirts from 1970s

Over thirty that you can trust - Shirts from 1970s

Rambler, I didn’t think you were THAT kind of car! (1965)

Rambler - THAT kind of car 1965

Put her in the right mood — Mood Fragrances from 1976

Vintage Mood Fragrances from 1976

Type In – Typewriters from 1967

Type In - Typewriters from 1967

Macho. It’s b-a-a-a-d. Faberage aftershave from 1977

Macho after shave from 1977 - Bad retro product names at Click Americana

Dry Look hair spray (1980)

Dry Look hair spray 1980

Be a swinger! Midol pain relief (1969)

1969 - Be a swinger

Secretaries can turn you on any time! (1967)

Secretaries can turn you on any time! (1967)

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