Woman’s Day “Switch-Mates”: 3+3=12
1. The smart casual suit is off to college, the big-city job, or anywhere. Versatile as the weather are this short coat jacket for fall — wear its deep collar up or down, open or closed — and tweed skirt.
2. Definitely dressy — a suit for special dates, or the theater. The fitted velveteen cardigan takes to pear or rhinestone chokers at the throat, to gay scattered glitter at waist or shoulder.
3. How to look smart, neat, and fashionable in the office or classroom. For evening, dress it up with a jaunty pillbox. Or picture these “Switch-Mates” coordinated with other skirts, other blouses.
4. Remove the neck tab — a new shirt! Add a self-belt — a new “dress!” For a sportier touch, wear heavy, blobby costume jewelry — for dash, the coat jacket worn casually and confidently open.
5. Paired simplicity — the tailored blouse and trim skirt for smartness and comfort. For little touches, try a change of pins on slanting, wide-set pockets, other belts, and even unusual pocket handkerchiefs.
6. A new personality for the weskit. Soft scarf fullness fills in the scooped-out neck, is fastened with a hook pin. Or, for a dramatic note, flaunt a bar pin, several old-fashioned stickpins, or pearl studs.
7. The trio for a short jaunt. Velveteen unlimited is now a popular accent for tweeds. Here is the little waist-length cardigan, slipped on over jersey blouse and tweed skirt, creates a finished costume.
8. What fun to dress up! The jersey blouse and skirt become a dress — with a lively orange cummerbund and handkerchief for color. Or tone it up with velvet in perky neck bow and matching belt.
9. For classroom dash, wear the shirt-tails out, sleeves pushed up. A wide, interesting belt nips in, accents the small waist. For bright contrast, add a colorful scarf or gay pocket handkerchief.
10. The day’s shopping over, this charming jersey dress and velveteen jacket will take you right on to dinner. The monotone plan lends itself to the spice of accessories, a vivid hat, mall neck scarf.
11. For running into town, for the big games — four pieces to keep you toasty: snug-fitting, long-sleeved blouse; weskit and skirt; tight button closings on jacket waist and cuffs for extra warmth.
12. The little weskit-collar straight up and jutting — perfect with softer jersey skirt for dancing, or for festive evenings. Low neckline can stand lots of glitter, a velvet-ribbon choker; or flowers to fill.