The best figures in Hollywood? Judge for yourself — we quit!
Several issues ago, Photoplay-Movie Mirror made the innocent mistake of asking noted experts to pick the best figures — male and female — in Hollywood. Ever since Betty Grable and Errol Flynn were announced as the winners, we’ve wished we had been smart enough to mind our own business.
It seems many of you weren’t inclined to agree with some of the candidates. As far as you were concerned, our noted experts shouldn’t have limited the field just to Betty and Errol. The stream of protests suggesting other star contenders for figure honors is still flooding our desks. We open letters like these every day:
So we’ve thrown up the sponge!
Now it’s up to you to select the best figures in Hollywood. And just to make the job easier, we’re publishing four eye-filling figures on the next two pages. (Also, to show that our experts weren’t so far off the beam, we’ve included Betty Grable.)
Next month, with the October issue as your reviewing stand you will find more contenders on exhibit. Remember, this is only the beginning. Keep on watching until you’ve had a complete lineup of potential winners. Then we’ll give you the signal to send in your vote for the winners. Good luck — and good looks!