Statue of Liberty history: See how the famous Lady Liberty was originally built, from the 6-story head to the gigantic torch
Constructing the Statue of Liberty was no small feat. Designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the statue’s framework was created by engineer Gustave Eiffel, who would later become famous for his tower in Paris. The statue was assembled in France and then shipped to the United States in 350 individual pieces. Once the pieces arrived in New York, it took months of work to put Lady Liberty together, with her torch finally being raised on October 28, 1886.

What makes the Statue of Liberty even more fascinating is the process of her creation, which involved innovative techniques that were ahead of their time. Bartholdi used large copper sheets to form the statue’s skin, which were hammered into shape and riveted to an iron skeleton. Eiffel’s design ensured that the statue could withstand the elements, from strong winds to the corrosive effects of saltwater. This collaboration between art and engineering resulted in a statue that not only captured the spirit of freedom but also — literally — stood the test of time.
For those interested in seeing how this colossal statue came to life, we’ve gathered some incredible early photos from the construction process. These images offer a rare glimpse into the hard work and dedication that went into creating one of America’s most treasured landmarks.
Check out the collection of vintage photos from the Statue of Liberty’s construction to appreciate the craftsmanship and effort that went into this enduring symbol of freedom.
1. Workshop in Paris, showing construction materials, the head of the Statue of Liberty
2. Construction of the skeleton and plaster surface of the left arm and hand of the Statue of Liberty
3. Statue of Liberty construction in Paris
Workmen constructing the Statue of Liberty in Bartholdi’s Parisian warehouse workshop; first model; left hand; and quarter-size head (Winter 1882)
4. Head of Statue of Liberty on display in a park in Paris (1883)
From an album of the construction works of the colossal statue of Liberty, intended for the port of New York / Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
Head of Statue of Liberty on display in park in Paris” width=”750″ height=”975″>
5. Colossal hand and torch “Liberty”
The torch and part of the arm of the Statue of Liberty, on display at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Information booth at the base of the arm, and two people are seen at railing below flame of the torch.
6. Liberty Enlightening the World: The Statue of Liberty construction project
Lady Liberty’s face is seen here on Liberty Island, waiting to be installed:
7. Statue of Liberty history: Construction time — going up!
Below is the pedestal for the Statue of Liberty, as it looked when the monument was first under construction:
8. Newspaper sketches from the time of the initial construction
9. Newspaper illustration of the construction scaffolding
Restoration images from the ’80s
10. Statue of Liberty’s torch fire in new copper
11. Liberty with scaffolding during repairs in the eighties
12. Thumb holding Liberty’s torch
13. Fingers holding the torch
14. Liberty’s arm, seen from near torch level
15. Side view of the statue’s head and sunburst headpiece
16. Looking down, as seen from torch arm
ALSO SEE: Give me your tired, your poor: The history of the Statue of Liberty poem
17. “The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World”
18. Head & hair from the side/back
19. Lights inside of the head
The lines on the walls are from the shape of her hair
20. Liberty’s face mask
21. Close up of the face: Nose and lips
22. The inside of the face: Nose and lips
23. Close-up of her date tablet
July IV MDCCLXXVI = July 4, 1776
24. A staircase inside the statue
MORE: New Amsterdam to now: Images of New York in the Colonial days
25. Lady Liberty’s feet and toes
26. Inside the Statue of Liberty
27. Liberty with scaffolding in the 1980s
28. Liberty Island, New York in the ’80s
The history of the Statue of Liberty, aka Liberty Enlightening the World (1884)
When the Statue of Liberty was unveiled in 1886, 20,000 men in uniform marched down New York City’s Fifth Avenue and Broadway, and a million people came out to see the sight.
Liberty Unveiled
America Accepts the Gift of the French People
A city afloat hid in fog
And a Million or So of People Ashore Making Holiday in the Wet
The giant statue shrouded in mists like a mountaintop — No seeing her from shore and no hearing the great guns — A fine parade reviewed by President Cleveland — The naval procession invisible even from ship to ship — The phantom fleet makes itself heard, though
Orations under the Statue by Evaris, de Pew and de Lesseps, and a speech of acceptance from President Cleveland — The bronze lady got ahead of Senator Evaris and dropped her veil before her invited her to — The great crowds in the streets — The torch not yet alight — No fireworks
From the New York Sun (New York, NY) October 29, 1886
Much like Paris, as tourists say New York is, the resemblance can never have been more striking than it was at 8 o’clock yesterday morning, when the streets were filled with the military, uniformed civilians and police; the strains of the “Marseillaise” sounded everywhere and the tricolor of the French republic floated from rooftop windows and balconies, together with our own glorious Stars and Stripes.
Twenty thousand men in uniforms were to march down Fifth Avenue and Broadway to the Battery with flags and bands of music, and a million people more or less came out to see the sight.
They moved from the east and west through the side streets and blocked the walks along the line of march, many of them in gay attire, all of them in gay holiday spirits.
But it was not an auspicious day for a celebration. The gayety of the early morning which withstood the dismal aspect of the clouds gave way in an hour.
What was at first but a moist atmosphere became a mist and presently a drizzle, and long before the procession had reached the Battery, the colossal statue of Liberty out on Bedloe’s Island, which all this noise and music and demonstration generally were to do honor to, was muffled up invisible in a regular London fog, and the tremendous firing of cannon down the bay from unseen warships was either totally inaudible ashore or sounded as if somebody were slamming doors.

Everyone cordially hoped on Wednesday night that a patriotic weather bureau would see to it that the storm should blow over and leave the day unclouded, if possible, but at any rate dry.
But the rain continued all night long and pretty much all day yesterday, and on that account, the decorations of buildings along the line of march were not as general as they might have been, nor as elaborate.

The City Hall was the only public building in town which was notable by reason of the display of bunting. Flags and banners, arranged with taste, set off its beautiful front splendidly, and long streamers of small flags festooned from the dome heightened the effect. The Post Office building was also tastefully draped with American and French flags.
Up about the starting point in Fifth Avenue, just south of the park, there were many small flags, as there were indeed from windows and balconies all the way down to the Battery. French flags floated over the Brunswick and the Hoffman House, where the French guests are quartered, was gay with streamers of red, white and blue.
The Hotel Bartholdi, too, was covered with bunting, and from the Albemarle and Fifth Avenue Hotels fluttered colored streamers. Across Park row, between the World office and the Post Office building, was an arch of evergreens.
Antique art print of the famous New York landmark
In this antique art print by Currier & Ives, the Statue of Liberty — then termed “Liberty Enlightening the World” or The great Bartholdi statue — is seen with the city of New York in the background. This work was first published in April 1884 as a chromolithograph.
As with all things iconic, great and wonderful, the image was immediately used in an advertisement — this one for Star Lamps, who replaced Liberty’s torch with one of their products.
One Response
Bares an uncanny resemblance to Elvis.