Fleet Admiral Chester W Nimitz, USN
“Liberty flourishes only where there is free flow of communication. For more than a century, our magazines have been reflecting and helping create living history; helping to mold opinion, manners, taste; helping to sharpen our awareness and understanding of domestic and international problems.
“There have been times when I personally have taken strong issue with specific articles or viewpoints. That’s my privilege as a free man, as it is the privilege of our magazines to speak out as they believe.
“We sometimes despair over specifics in our educational, political, and military systems or of actions, or opinions of individuals representing them.
“That we fall short of true wisdom and humanity is inevitable, since man is imperfect. But we are better than we sometimes think. And as magazines continue to reflect and project opinion on education, moral concepts, art, science, government, the world and the space beyond, we will improve, inevitably.”
Also in this series:
- Kennedy: Society grows or withers according to the power of its ideas (1961)
- Eisenhower: Informed citizens are the guardian & spirit of democracy (1960)
Fleet Admiral Chester W Nimitz, USN
“The bulwarks of our liberty are men and women who read and think.”
This message is presented by LIFE on behalf of magazines… A leading force for moral and cultural growth
Look what you re missing if you aren’t reading today’s stimulating magazines
The Important News — Politics, foreign affairs, business…reports of what’s new in medicine, science, education and books. Significant news you want and need to know, every week in August and throughout the year. – TIME, The Weekly Newsmagazine
The Electronics Industry — Who’s going to be making money in the ’60’s? – Fortune, August
Do You Speak Your Child’s Language? — Robert M. Goldenson, Ph.D., explains why communication between parents and children is sometimes difficult, and offers suggestions for improving the rapport. Parents, August
The 1960 Olympic Preview — One of Sports Illustrated’s now-famous previews of the world’s great sporting events — with pictures in black-and-white and full color on the world’s outstanding athletes, plus expert predictions of Olympic winners. – Sports Illustrated, August 15th
Photo-Essays in Color — on Benjamin Franklin, colonial statesman and diplomat; Cooking for Teen-Agers; Novel Architecture of Summer Olympics; Art Museums’ Latest Purchases-and the latest news in pictures of the 1960 candidates, their campaigns, their chances. – LIFE, August
Ichabod, for the Glory Has Departed — by Anthony West. A brief discussion of the shocking decay of the English language. – Harper’s Bazaar, August