
Boeing 747 jumbo jet in 1977
How Boeing 747 jumbos jet made history

First flying in the 1960s, the famous Boeing 747 airplane was not only bigger and more powerful than any other plane, but was a major technological marvel. See the jets inside and out, and how they looked during construction!

WWII fighter planes compared (1940s)
WWII fighter planes compared (1940s)

The Allies weren’t just trying to create the very best WWII fighter planes that they could – they were also constantly evaluating what the Nazis were using. Here’s a look.

Airplane movie with the autopilot
Airplane! A zany spoof on Hollywood disaster movies (1980)

Airplane! uses disaster movie conventions as platforms to interject humor at every turn. Like a streamlined club act, it’s all over before the welcome gets worn. Stars Robert Stack, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Julie Hagerty, Robert Hayes. Also: See the Airplane movie trailer!

Samuel P. Langley's large steam-powered model Aerodrome No. 5 making a successful flight, 1896.
Alexander Graham Bell: Flight is a fact (1896)

Professor Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, has witnessed the trial flights of the machine devised by Professor Samuel P Langley, formerly of Pittsburg. Mr Bell makes the following statement…