10 top TV catchphrases of the ’70s

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Whether we’re doing it for a laugh, to share a bond, or to cement our status as being in-the-know, Americans love a good catchphrase. Here’s are some trips down memory lane with some of the most popular TV catchphrases of the ’70s!

Of course, since so many series spanned more than one decade, not all of these catchphrases are exclusive to the ’70s — but without a doubt, people heard them many times (maybe too many times) in the years between 1970 and 1979.

For more, be sure to see Famous catchphrases: ‘Excuuuse me’ & other lines we loved to repeat (1978), as well as TV catchphrases of the ’60s and TV catchphrases of the ’80s.

Do you remember these famous TV catchphrases of the ’70s?

Which of these famous lines from the seventies do you remember — do you still find yourself saying any of them every now and then?

Are we missing any of your favorites? Let us know your top TV catchphrases of the ’70s in the comments section below!

TV catchphrases of the '70s

1. “Who loves ya, baby?”

Telly Savalas as Detective Lieutenant Theo Kojak on Kojak (1973-1978)

MORE: Who loves ya, baby? Kojak opening credits

Kojak - Who loves ya baby?

YouTube video

2. “What you see is what you get!”

Geraldine (Flip Wilson) on The Flip Wilson Show (1970-1974)

TV catchphrases Flip Wilson

3. “Never mind!”

Said by Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) on Saturday Night Live (1970s)

TV catchphrases Gilda Radner as Emily Litella SNL

YouTube video

4. “Dy-no-mite!”

Jimmie Walker as J.J. on Good Times (1974-1979)

MORE: Good Times theme song & lyrics

Dy-no-mite - Jimmie Walker as J.J. on Good Times

YouTube video

5. “Up your nose with a rubber hose!”

John Travolta as Vinnie Barbarino on Welcome Back, Kotter (1975-1979)

MORE: ‘Welcome Back, Kotter’ theme song & opening

TV catchphrases Kotter Rubber hose

6. “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

Bill Bixby as David Banner, pre-transformation into the Hulk, in The Incredible Hulk (1977-1982)

TV catchphrases Hulk

7. “Stifle!”

Archie Bunker (played by Carroll O’Connor) on All in the Family (1971-1979)

MORE: All in the Family theme song & lyrics

TV catchphrases All in the Family

8. “Won’t you be my neighbor?”

Mister Rogers (Fred Rogers) on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (1968-2001)

TV catchphrases Mr Rogers

9. “Good night, John Boy.”

Classic catchphrase from the Walton Family on The Waltons (1972-1981)

Good night, John Boy

10. “Just one more thing…”

Lt Columbo, just about to break the case, on Columbo (1971-1978)

TV catchphrases Columbo

YouTube video

TV catchphrases of the ’60sTV catchphrases of the ’70sTV catchphrases of the ’80s

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