Wild bedtime! Lion & elephant quilted comforters for kids
These comical quilts can turn a youngster’s bedtime from hassle to heyday! The cute designs come from 1972.
Materials needed to make these vintage quilted comforters for kids
Lion and elephant comforters are 39×54 inches, and made of 45-inch no-iron sailcloth.
Elephant requires 1-7/8 yards aqua for front, same amount of identical or contrasting fabric for back. For appliquéd parts: 7/8 yard plum, 1-3/8 yards purple, 1/4 yard blue, 1/8 yard green, 1/8 yard white.
Lion requires 1-7/8 yards orange for front, same amount of identical or contrasting fabric for back. For appliquéd parts: 1-1/8 yards yellow, 1-1/8 yards burgundy (burgundy section of lion’s tail is only piece cut on bias), 1/2 yard royal blue, 1/8 yard each purple, white, red, and pink.
Each animal requires a 39×54-inch piece of 1-inch polyester batting. Allow 5/8-inch seam allowance for all pieces.
Quilting craft instructions
Trace pattern on brown paper and cut out front, back, and sections to be appliquéd. Roll out batting and tack to back section.
Straight-stitch all appliquéd parts to front section. Embroider whisker and eyelash details with embroidery thread. Match front and back sides (faces together) and machine-stitch around outline, leaving opening to turn quilt right side out. Finish opening by hand.
With embroidery thread, tack around all appliquéd areas one to two inches apart, tying tacked places off individually at back. Tack other large areas at random, using threads to match appliquéd areas.
Charming quilts are designed by Donna Beals
MORE: Americana quilts you can make of pieced patchwork