corn flakes

Popular vintage 1970s cereals
70 popular vintage 1970s cereals we loved & we miss

Take a look back at some of the most popular vintage 1970s cereals that we loved – including many discontinued products we still miss. (And don’t forget about the free toys that were inside kids’ cereal boxes!)

Banana Breeze no-bake pie (1974)

A luscious, creamy, no-cook filling in a crunchy, no-bake crumb crust. Convenience ingredients cut your time and work. Almost as easy as peeling a banana.

Corn-crisped chicken retro recipe
Corn-crisped chicken recipe (1966)

To make this delicious corn-crisped chicken, you coat the poultry with Kellogg’s Corn Flake Crumbs and seasonings, then bake on aluminum foil.